On 08/05/03 17:51, Shane Broomhall (AUS) wrote:

Sounds Great, I have just started going to IT meetings and conferences, does anyone know if anything simmilar is run in Australia ??? and if so when and where and roughtly what it costs. I would love to go to the next one. I am a lInux newbie, I have only been playing for about 3 years, but my clients are starting to adopt it.

Thanks in advance.

All i can find is: www.linuxexpo.com.au

However it seems to be down right now. The US version provides a free pass for exhibits (the show floor) until about 6 weeks beforehand, and then the price ramps up to something like $20/person on the day of the show. And then all the extras (classes, meetings, etc) are an additional cost. However, i got my pass back in April, so going today didn't cost me any more than the BART fair into the city. Getting the free lunch was definitely an added, and unexpected bonus.

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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