Collins Richey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sun, 14 Sep 2003 10:34:04 -0600
[ snips ]
On Sun, 14 Sep 2003 09:50:49 -0400
Joel Hammer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> <OT_RANT>I can't help but compare this situation to the
drug industry. We Americans pay more for pharmaceuticals
because we respect copyright laws ... This can't go on,
and already Americans are finding out ways to buy cheaper
drugs from Canada. This will of course lead to fundelmental
changes in the pharmaceutical industry, that is to say,
a lot less drug research and a lot fewer new drugs. </OT_RANT>

Wrong, in true American fashion, this will only lead to new draconian laws that make it
highly illegal for Americans to purchase cheaper drugs from abroad.  The American drug
companies will be protected at all costs.

Extant laws will do. If the drug companies change any step in the production or packaging of the product, the FDA must reaprove the process. So changing the final packaging will make the drugs illegal in the US. Problem solved.

-- Alma

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