On Sat, 20 Sep 2003, Michael Hipp wrote:

> Over the last couple of days I've been updating systems for the openssh 
> exploit. Using RH's 'up2date' tool, I download and install the openssh 
> updates, then do '/sbin/service sshd restart' to get the new code 
> running. Weird thing is, my ssh session I'm using to do this never 
> drops, even when sshd is restarted. Is this right? Is there some way to 
> verify the new code is indeed running? (These are RH 7.3, 8.0 and 9 
> systems.)
Oh dear, a linux related question amidst all this OT posting.  Tsk, tsk, 
won't do at all.  Just won't do  at all.

I've been issuing a "ssh -V" and also a "rpm -qa | grep openssh" on the 
target host for verification.
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