On 20 Sep 2003 at 18:36, Alma J Wetzker boldly uttered: 

>   While Ashcroft is a political animal, he is also a man of deep
> religous conviction 

Yes.  He's a Pentacostal, a fundamentalist christian sect which 
believe in "miraculous healing" and "speaking in tongues".

A little perspective on claims by those like Ashcroft that the US was 
"founded by Christians":


By the way, the phrase "In God We Trust" was only elevated to the 
status of national motto in the 1950's.  As you might understand if 
you knew much about American history, many of the most revered 
founding fathers would likely be quite outraged if such a thing were 
proposed back in the 1700's.

Philip J. Koenig                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Electric Kahuna Systems -- Computers & Communications for the New Millenium

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