On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 17:02:50 -0400, Jerry McBride wrote:

>Anyone here running a Quake 3 Arena server?
>I'm in the process of putting a Linux Quake server together for a local retail 
>establishment and I've got a problem I'm not sure I understand...
>Basically this is a LAN setup, no internet connections for the short term. The 
>one area that I haven't fully ironed out is... Can a Quake client run locally 
>on the Quake server machine? I was asked to set it up that way, but it 
>appears that you can't run a client on the same machine running the server 
>under linux. However, under windows it's not a problem. 
>It's slightly embarassing.
>Anyway, if anyone has some insight on this, I'd appreciate it.
>Thank you in advance.

If it can be done with winodws, you should be able to do it with linux.
Just get the instructions for windows and try to "translate" them to
Linux ;)

I have a couple of Enemy Territory servers (almost the same game
engine), if you get stuck, just ask me.


Federico Voges
Socio gerente

Intrasoft                     Tel/Fax: 54-11-4833-5182
Malabia 2137 14 A             e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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