Net Llama! wrote:

On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, James McDonald wrote:

To compile mplayer mean't a search of the web for many supporting
libraries that came standard with Mandrake.

That wasn't my experience. mplayer build on both of my RH9 systems
without a single problem.

I was attempting build just about every codec as mentioned in the documentation and Mandrake has a lot more of the dependent libraries as opposed to Redhat.

So my opinion is that Redhat, in the quest for a simple easy to use
interface has decided that you get one 'notepad' one 'calc' and blue

That's not really true. You still get tons of text editors (11 in my
count), and at least 4 calculators.

Duh, yes I know....

-- James McDonald Singleton Australia

61+ (0)2 65712401
61+ 0428 320 219

He only knew his iron spine held up the sky -- he didn't realize his brain
had fallen to the ground.
                -- The Book of Serenity

Linux 2.4.22 #1 Mon Sep 1 20:03:11 EST 2003 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
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