Kurt Wall wrote:
Quoth Ben Duncan:

Ok, tried to load SuSe 8.2 on a P 150MHZ with 80MB ram and
a 4GB hard disk ... needless to say, WAY OVERKILL for the poor old machine.

Need some sort of distro that can:

A: Includes the Gcc compiler/Python/Perl/etc ...
B: Will work on such a weak machine (hmmm a few years ago
we thought that kinda power was studly ...)

This machine, is more or less, going to be a "Terminal" on steriods.
Needs to have a desktop, and I need to have Open Office on it.

I am open to suggestions? Perhaps Knoppix ?


Ditto - Slackware. So far this year eight converts and all on Slackware.
I have to rebuild or cp over /etc on one of those converts this weekend.
I knew it was a little too early to tell her about "rm", dang!
Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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