it's the "-" that I didn't understand. thanks.
so tar will always back up the permissions and ownership with "c" ?

>> tar lvcf - . | (cd /mnt ; tar xpvf -)
> Invoke tar on the current directory (".") without recursing outside
> of the current directory's file system ("l") and verbosely ("v") create
> ("c") an archive, sending the output to stdout ("f -"), which output
> is  piped into the subprocess specified between the (). That subprocess 
> first makes /mnt its current working directory ("cd /mnt") then invokes
> tar *in /mnt* to extract ("x") the archive file read from stdin ("f -"),
> saving file permissions on files in the extracted archive ("p").

cp may be slow, but can achieve the same result right?
or may cp -xa / /mnt?

>> can I use cp -a to achieve what the tar did?
> No -- cp will be considerably slower than tar.

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