On 11/19/03 19:59, Joel Hammer wrote:

The old script was called mta. What if you try that instead?

# /etc/init.d/mta start WARNING: Mail Transfer Agent sendmail selected but not installed.

Sure, i could debug where it expects sendmail to be, but i'm feeling lazy :)

Or, just write your own script. The startup scripts are complicated
only because they need to do a lot of figuring out where things are,
etc. Since you know where things are, a startup script customized for
your machine might be very simple.

Yea, i could do that. I was just hoping to stay true to the RPM, rather than replacing it.


On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 07:35:33PM -0800, Net Llama! wrote:

I'm trying to do something that is admittedly a bit foolish. I'm trying to get the sendmail RPM from Redhat-7.3 working on my ancient Caldera box. There's really not much Caldera left in it, as I've been upgrading it piecemeal to assorted Redhat RPMs for a while now, but it was last an amalgam of COL-2.4 & 3.1.

At any rate, I got sendmail-8.11.6-27.73 RPM installed, and running the sendmail binary manually does work. Its just the initscript that came with it that fails to work. If i run "/etc/init.d/sendmail start" i get:
Starting sendmail: Usage: daemon program

I can start sendmail manually with "sendmail -bd -q1h", and it backgrounds itself just fine, so its something wonky in the initscript. Anyone have any suggestions on what might be wrong here?

L. Friedman                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo:                    http://netllama.ipfox.com

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