What makes you so sure that the HD is bad?  Can you put it into a
different box and mount any of the partitions?

On Thu, 20 Nov 2003, Rick Sivernell wrote:

>  list
>    My laptop system has gone down while I was using it. When I tried to get it to
> reboot, it stuck in grub. I used the gentoo live cd to boot from a cdrom and that
> was successfull. when I tried to mount the /dev/hda3 to root system I got 5 lines
> of errors, seek could not find & etc. I install a 860 meg hd into the system and
> dos boots right on up and I can play a dos card game. It sounds as if the hd that
> I was using, the original one, has gone bad. I did take it back to the Dell
> refurb center where I bought it, after a week they charged me $76 to diagnose
> that the mobo was bad. They want $175 or that and a install charge of $50. I
> checked around and find the mobo's cost $125 - $130. Guess they see people as
> idots whom they can fleece. Not me. Guess I will go look for a new hd for my
> laptop.
> cheers

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