Mike Andrew wrote:
> On Friday 20 July 2001 00:54, David A. Bandel wrote:
> > system. I use the same kernel to boot 4 different linux distros (I just
> > copy /lib/modules/2.4.x to the other distro).  So lilo points to the
> > same kernel for 4 different distros.
> Yep. That's kleva.
> You could also ln -s /boot/modules /lib/modules and maintain a single set

no, because /boot never gets mounted (so never gets corrupted, at least
as long as the hard drive electronics are working).

> >The only difference is the root= line.
> I don't follow? root=/dev/hd? Do you mean you have multiple image= blocks in
> lilo.conf, and only the root= changes?

No need to change the kernel, I just pick the distro I want to boot to
by name, and the root = /dev/hdXX line changes.  I even use the same vga
= 792 line in all of them. Skeleton looks like this:

my lilo.conf (last image deleted, you get the idea, /boot is on
/dev/hda1 which is marked active partition):

# /etc/lilo.conf - generated by Lizard
# target
boot = /dev/hda
install = /boot/boot.b
# options
delay = 50
image = /boot/bzImage-2.4.5
        label = Caldera
        root = /dev/hda2
        vga = 792
image = /boot/bzImage-2.4.5
        label = LFS
        root = /dev/hdb2
        vga = 792
image = /boot/bzImage-2.4.5
        label = SuSE
        root = /dev/hdb3
        vga = 792

One system, same hardware, same kernel, same modules, different
distros.  I share /boot and /home (and of course, swap) between all
distros.  /home also nfs exported.  

BTW, from other systems, I usually run xdm clients (all the distros are
_slllooooooowwwwwww_ on a 233MHz PI w/ 32 Mb RAM, and I have a couple of
those).  If you do that and use Caldera as the X display manager, you'll
need /etc/X?.hosts files or Caldera won't serve them a login screen.  I
have X0.hosts and X1.hosts (linked).  On a 100Mb network, working on one
of the 233 PIs is like working directly on the 700MHz Athlon w/ 256Mb
(because you are), but several systems connected at the same time isn't
at all noticeable.

Now that's a license question if I ever had one.  I have one W3.1
installation.  The other systems have LFS on them getting their display
from the Caldera system.  Do I need a license for each XDM connection? 
If so, do I need a license for each FTP connection?  How about each
telnet/SSH connection.  I was planning to install LTS (Linux Terminal
Server program) to remote boot to an XDM login on the remote systems. 
Where does this fit in the licensing scheme?

I have a headache.  Excuse me while I go take 800mg Motrin and throw a
few more lawyers into the Atlantic Ocean.


David A. Bandel
Focus on the dream, not the competition.
                -- Nemesis Racing Team motto
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