I'm sorry as this probably won't answer your question, but won't the
reverse lookup have resolve to a mx record.   At the very least you might
want to pose this question to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] user's
list.  Chuck Mead is the maintainer and seriously knowledgeable about all
things mta/mda/mua/et al.

On Mon, 23 Jul 2001, Kurt Wall wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 23, 2001 at 08:24:18AM -0400, dep wrote:
> > On Monday 23 July 2001 01:11 am, Kurt Wall wrote:
> > 
> > | Since my move, I've had to rely on my ISP's services for KurtWerks
> > | because I cannot obtain affordable broadband connectivity in my new
> > | location. Anyway, I have a fixed range of IP addresses, one of
> > | which is assigned each time I dial-in. When David's mail server is
> > | providing back up MX services for linux.nf, I invariably receive
> > | 550 errors when sending mail to the list because the reverse lookup
> > | on my IP address understandably fails. Is that a foobar of my own
> > | (bad masquerading rule somewhere) or of my ISP? If the former, I'm
> > | not enough of a masquerading whiz to fix it. If the latter, I'll
> > | lean on the ISP to fix it. If more information is required, I'll
> > | provide that, too, publicly if it doesn't expose too much
> > | information about my setup, privately if I feel it does.
> > 
> > the way around this i'm using -- smpt on local machine, pop elsewhere 
> > -- is a masquerade envelope, which is fairly easily set up in 
> > sendmail. is this the kind of thing you're seeking?
> I use envelope masquerading. Alas, this doesn't seem to be the
> solution I seek. I shall continue my quest...

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