On Thursday 26 July 2001 08:10, Myles Green wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Jul 2001 07:18:44 +0000
> Terence McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just how is beer "Way Off Topic" on a Linux list?
> for a non-drinker? waaaaaaay out there ;)

Perhaps you not tried a really good beer? :-)

> > Terence (CAMRA member)
> CAMRA? wha'sat?

Campaign for Real Ale- a group of people who prefer naturally brewed and 
barreled/bottled beers, and encourage the production of such tradtionally 
brewed beers.

When it started, some thirty years ago, the big (national) brewers were 
destroying local pubs (PUBlic houses) wholesale, and making pasturised "beer" 
(that is beer that had the natural processes of fermentation killed). This  
was virtually all one could buy. This coloured alcoholic water was then 
pressured by CO2, and forced through a "sparklet" tap to make it froth and so 
appear alive. 

Cask beers on the other hand, were left alone, usually after dry hopping, and 
continued to ferment in cask. This produced natural CO2 in the cask, and a 
natural head, as well as a good flavour, and a great deal (usually) of 
individual character.

Things have greatly improved since Camra started, and my "local" (local pub) 
always has three "real" beers on tap (actually there is an argument over 
whether these shoud be called "beers" or "ales"- the often expressed 
difference is that "ale" did not have hops added to it. Hops give longevity 
to the brew, as well as flavour).

There are three annual "Beer Festivals" locally, where the dedicated 
man/woman can sample anything up to 100 or so brews from micro-breweries as 
well as from nationally distributed beers.

Sorry- you only asked what Camra meant-- rant over.

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