Umm, I am I guess niave when it comes to virii and worms. Just in case I took 
a does of combatrin today, just in case I had been infected by worms.

After i had installed the WS 3.1 and started it up and got kmail working, I 
downloaded mail and also sent a message to say i was backup in Linux.
I saw a mail notificaion in the list::-
slamdunk                     1                   Sun Aug 5    2001

The name alerted me, so I looked at it::- (I have only included the text)

Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2001 05:25:26 +0900

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: message text

Hi! How are you=3F
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later=2E Thanks

Content-Type: application/mixed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment;

After this is a coded area ending with a another::
Outlook_express_message_boundary  (comment)

It was a bit hard to get rid of and the computer slowed down. I am guessing 
that its a virus of some type, but seeing it was undone in linux it was not 
operative, even though it seemed to try.

BTW I have not destroyed this as yet.

On another tack entirely, I had backgrounds working but saw that they were not
those I had listed. They were coming from the same area but it was giving me 
'all' and not a selection I had made. I stopped this and now once again no 
backgrounds, I assume this is a kde problem.

To make yourself look truthful one has to lie, as most people
do not want to kmow the truth; but only that which they believe.
Keith Antoine aka "skippy"
18 Arkana St The Gap Queensland 4061 Australia PH 16 7 33002161
Retired Geriatric and Sometime Electronics Engineer
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