On a recent foray of mine into the US I picked up a cuecat barcode scanner at 
a Radio Shack.  I have since applied the modification to the cuecat so that 
it should spit out plain text instead of something encoded.

I was in kde when I first tried this and time and time again was annoyed to 
see the text cursor fly all over the place in kedit when I attempted to scan 

Then for some reason or other I switched to a console running on one of my 
other vterms and attempted a scan there which it performed flawlessly.  I am 
still unable to scan any barcodes in kde(2.2beta) however.

I opened a konsole window and tried something with the following results: 
(using a barcode from the back of Mr. Bandel's latest book as a sample)
bash-2.05$ cat >/dev/null

Doing the same in the console on another vterm resulted in the display of the 
actual barcode.

David Aikema
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