Chang wrote:
> if  terrorists were after symbolism, they would have chosen the statue
> of libery.
> >>will be years before the current mess is cleaned up... I know
> >>it would take
> >>like 10 years before the building would open... but wouldn't
> >>it be cool?
> >>
> >Nah.  Cool would be to create a huge (life size) holographic projection
> >image of the two towers and make the rest of the world think they had been
> >rebuilt overnight.  Then let's see them crash a plane into them!  Ha!

Depends on the symbolism they sought to damage.  If they were seeking to
damage symbols of wealth and prosperity of the US and western world in
general, the WTC was a "good" (if good is the right word to use)
choice.  The Pentagon, is both literally and symbolically the center of
the US military, another "good" choice.

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