Touching, but I suppose she still don't know what her country was doing 
behind her back. :)

>I was just a baby during the Camp David Accords.
>I do not remember when President Reagan was shot.
>The Iran Contra Hearings are a vague memory that I did not understand at the
>time. I was 9 when the Challenger exploded.  I was watching MTV when it 
>happened. I was 13 at the start of Desert Storm and no one I knew was directly
>involved.  I did not see how it affected me. I was in high school when Waco 
>happened.  It seemed so far away. I was 19 when the Murrah building was 
>destroyed.  I was shocked, but wrapped up in college life. I was 23 during 
>Columbine. I wondered what was happening in our schools.
>Today, I cried.

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