On Sunday 16 September 2001 21:57 pm, Alan Jackson wrote:
> > 
> > Well... I've joined the thousands of other folks and am now processing
> > data for the SETI project at Arecibo Radio Observatory.
> > 
> > I highly encourage anyone with idle cpu cycles to join.
> > 
> > By the way, the new Xseti viewer is really nice too. :')
> I run it under Tkseti myself. Let's see, I'm on unit 331 on this box, over
> 12,000 cpu hours worth.

Piddly....    :o)     

2,199  units done the last time I looked.    Over 5 years worth.....

Sounds like we need to form a  'Caldera Refugees'  SETI group.

+ Bruce S. Marshall  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Bellaire, MI         09/17/01 08:54  +
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