Tim Wunder wrote:

> Previously, Collins Richey chose to write:
>>gentoo finally came acorss with a 0.9.5 ebuild.
>>I love the tabbed window mode - that's the way a browser should work!
>>Does anyone know if there is a way to invoke the equivalent of ctl-t
>>when clicking on an icon from an email program (eg sylpheed)?
> Nope. Moz can't do it, and will likely never be able to do it.
> There's something called Multizilla that might be able to, haven't checked. 
> Mozilla-proper's tabs functionality was borrowed from multizilla, which is 
> supposed to be much more full featured in tab use.
> Check out http://multizilla.mozdev.org/

Follow up: from a news post on netscape.public.mozilla.ui.

Dave Hyatt <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I just checked in a slew of tab browsing changes and fixes.  Here's a list:

(1) The tabs now flex and shrink down as you add more tabs in order to
fit within the window.  You should not really have any serious overflow
problems any longer with this solution.
(2) The confusing close box on the far right has been eliminated.
Looking for ideas for a better solution (perhaps an X on the tab only
when it is the active tab).
(3) The autohide pref is now honored, so you can uncheck it in the
preferences dialog to keep the tab strip visible all the time.
(4) You can now drag a URL to a tab and have it load in that tab.
Whether or not the tab comes to the front when you drop is based off the
background loading pref (the same one used when you middle-click a link).
(5) You can now drag a URL to the tab strip and have it open a new tab.
    Again, whether or not the new tab is focused is based off the pref.
(6) When you open new blank tabs using CTRL+T, the tab will no longer
waste time animating and changing its text from "Loading..." to
"(Untitled)".  Also, when you open a new blank tab the URL bar will be
empty instead of displaying "about:blank".

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