On Sunday 28 October 2001 04:32, Net Llama wrote:
> Well, i don't know diddly about devfs, so i have no clue how that

I implemented it as early as 2.4.3 and was vey dissapointed with the 
attrocious lack of documentation for it. It's a very promising 'idea' and 
ultimately will have to be implemented as there just aren't enuff device 
nodes 'out there' anymore. But god help me it sucks badly if you have non 
mainstream devices.

> FWIW, i've successfully built & booted every kernel since 2.4.3.  Some
> have turned out to be duds, but they did boot.  Also, i'll note that
> running any 2.4.x kernel less than 2.2.12 is a very bad idea, as they
> have known root exploits.
> I'm currently running 2.4.12 & 2.4.13 on my boxes.

erk! There I was thinking 2.4.10 would be pretty close to the bleeding edge 
and #13 is there already!

What gives with maintstream kernels these days? It seems everything put out 
so far should have been called 2.5.x for the amount of problems each one has 

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