Tim Wunder wrote:
> Hi Kurt,


> Kurt Wall wrote:
> > 
> >>Hi,
> >>I'm trying to set up an Alias in my httpd.conf file that'll allow me to 
> >>redirect a request for <my_URL>/calendar to <my_URL>/cgi-bin/webcal so 
> >>that if I try to access <my_URL/calendar/webcal.cgi, I get the WebCal 
> >>calendar selection script.
> >>I've made these entries in my httpd.conf file:
> >>   Alias /calendar "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/webcal"
> >>   <Directory "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/webcal">
> >>     AllowOverride AuthConfig
> >>     Options ExecCGI
> >>   </Directory>
> >>
> >>When I type in <my_URL>/calendar/webcal.cgi I'm presented with the text 
> >>of the webcal.cgi perl script. When I type in 
> >><my_URL>/cgi-bin/webcal/webcal.cgi the script executes and I'm presented 
> >>with the calendar selection screen. What must I do to get the script to 
> >>execute when called with <my_URL>/calendar/webcal.cgi?
> >>
> >>Ultimately, I want to be able to type <my_URL>/calendar and get 
> >>presented with the calendar selection screen.
> >>
> > 
> > Look at the ScriptAlias directive. You can also enable CGI on a per
> > directory basis using a <Directory></Directory> block.
> I have a "ScriptAlias cgi-bin /home/httpd/cgi-bin" line in my 
> httpd.conf, do I need another for the non-existent, aliased, /calender 
> directory? I've tried "ScriptAlias cgi-bin /calendar", but that had no 
> effect, so I deleted it.

The syntax is "ScriptAlias /the/fake/dir /the/real/dir". So, try: 

ScriptAlias /calendar "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/webcal"
> I thought I did enable CGI in a <Directory></Directory> block with
>     <Directory "/home/httpd/cgi-bin/webcal">
>       AllowOverride AuthConfig
>       Options ExecCGI
>     </Directory>

The issue here is that you have to tell Apache that /calendar is both
an alias for /home/httpd/cgi-bin/webcal and, in particular, an alias
that points at CGI scripts, hence the ScriptAlias directive.

> So, if I uncomment the
> "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi" line, it'll work?
> Let me try that...


> Yes, that works. The cgi script executes. But, that apparently is a 
> risky way? What, exactly is the "significant security risk"? Is it an 
> external risk, or internal risk? The users on the system are just the 
> family (the wife, 2 sons, and me). None of us are likely to create any 
> elaborate cgi scripts...(maybe the teenager...)

CGI is inherently risky, regardless of *who* runs them. In your case,
if external users can't execute them, you probably have little with
with to concern yourself.

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