Tim Wunder babbled on about:
> Douglas J Hunley wrote:
> > I *think* I got mod_throttle figured out. Do your worst ;)
> Hi Doug,
> Tried grabbing the disk 1 & 2 ISO's this morning and was getting
> sub-2.0K/s bandwidth over my cable modem, so I cancelled the downloads.
> What kind of download speed should we expect? My son's looking forward
> to trying Suse as a potential replacement for his Mandrake 8.0
> installation. Regards,

depends on how many people are accessing that directory... the cap is 4kbps 
for a total (everyone together). the minimum is .5kbps ...
so.. if you can get the download going, you can expect at least .5kbps, but 
no more than 4kbps (and only if you're the only one downloading). sorry

if someone wants to help pay for a bigger pipe for 
linux.nf/hunley.homeip.net, speak up!

Douglas J Hunley (doug at hunley.homeip.net) - Linux User #174778
Admin: http://linux.nf  Admin: http://hunley.homeip.net

Programmer (n): One who makes the lies the salesman told come true.
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