On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 18:16:56 -0500
Kurt Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, list,
> I'm finishing up a chapter for an unspecified book on Red Hat Linux
> and you have the opportunity to contribute. In particular, if you ran
> into problems either installing or configuring a stock installation
> of 7.2 (or, perchance, one of the pre-7.2 betas), tell me what it is
> and I may be able to add it to a chapter on troubleshooting and
> problem solving. If you do so and it makes it into the chapter, you
> will have both my gratitude and a mention in the acknowledgements.
> Ayup...

OK, I did a re-install lastnight so I could nuke everything on hda (way
too many partitions). I chose the 'expert' install and then selected
'custom' and went from there. I set my partitions up as follows:

hda1 /boot (50MB, ext3)
hda2 / (balance of 15GB drive, ext3)
hdb1 swap (1024MB)
hdb2 /home (balance of 40GB drive, ext3)

The only things I've noticed are:

- Logitech Marble mouse (USB or PS/2) was seen as a 3 button mouse by
anaconda - easily changed during install.

- during the lilo config portion the append box had only hdc=ide-scsi,
needed to add hdd=ide-scsi.

- although X was configured and 'works' outta the box, pressing
<ctrl>+<alt>+<num-pad+ or -> does't change resolutions and the truetype
fonts I added aren't seen because the fontpath section only points to

- I've found the stock firewall to be quite good but had to add a '-l'
(dash ell) to the rules in order to get logging.

So far most everything I've checked out 'just works' including burning
CD's (haven't tried playing a DVD yet), though I did add xcdroast myself
and used that to burn.

This install, I included apache and anon ftp but haven't set them up or
anything as of yet so, nothing to report there. I will be setting both
of these up later this week.

Overall, I was/am very impressed with this version of RedHat, including
the up2date feature - so much so that I intend to purchace a boxed
edition which I haven't done since Caldera released eD2.4 way back when.

There you have it, my $0.02 =)
Myles Green Calgary AB Canada
Alberta Linux Step by Step Mirror:

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