On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 20:26:08 -0500
Bill Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Someone mentioned a SCSI CD-RW for $18.... Smart and Frinedly 2006..
> Well, it arrived today.. complete, minus cable....
> Someone was going to ship me a cd drive caddy.... not necessary..
> see what happens when you get old....

Smart and Friendly 2006 needs a caddy...

Smart and Friendly 2006 Plus doesn't need a caddy. 

Aside from the media door being of different sizes to acommodate the caddy
(or not) they look the same. However at $ 17.95 per drive... who's going to
complain if the caddy is missing? <GRIN>.

The last news I had from JUST DEALS was that they had about 24 of the 2006
left in stock and a few 2006. Once gone... they're done. 

If I can find an old, used scsi tower case somewhere soon... I'll be buying
s-n-f 2006+'s... anyone have a 6 or 7 bay scsi-2 tower forsale?


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