I just finished up installing Workstation on my boss's COMPAQ PRESARIO 1278
thought I'd make a few public notes...

This isn't a good piece of harware to install Linux on. 

I had all kinds of problems with the via chips in this laptop and APM/APCI is
kind of iffy...

Anyway, the smoothest sound setup is via ALSA. Once I loaded the needed
packages, it all came together. Prior to ALSA it seemd as though sending data
o the sound device caused a bunch of other little problems... draggy mouse
syndrome, etc... ALSA fixed it.  

Getting APCI/APM to work is another problem. And I would most dearly
appreciate anyones input on this. I've got 2.4.16 with APCI in the kernel
(APM was a dud). I've got the apci daemon running, but still can't get it to
recognize a low battery, suspend, etc... If anyone has a step-x-step... a
real good hand holder on this one... I'm for you.

That's it really, everything else works except the windows buttons. One of
days I'll have to find something todo with them.


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