
Since I have great respect for the opinions and knowledge of the
individuals on these lists, I'm humbly asking for your help.

I've got the following problem:

Linux 2.4.13 system
GCC 2.95.3

In an attempt to upgrade the gcc to 3.0.2 and such I've somehow
managed to break it badly...I'm fairly sure its not gcc that broken
but rather the libc and glibc stuff thats messed up.

I've attempted to restore it but obviously I'm not getting it right.
The system is 100% functional if you don't mind I can't compile
anything from source...LOL

The problem is: I NEED to be able to do this in order to keep current
with various packages (bind, apache, etc.).

My question: I KNOW there is a way to recover and or reinstall the
stuff in /lib /usr/local/lib and also the libc and glibc stuff to get
this working. However, being a production box, I can't afford to mess
this up and take the box down as I have paying customers that would be
quite irritated by this turn of events (VBG). Ideally in this process
I can get to the current revs of GCC and glibc, etc which is what
started the problem in the first place.

What I'm asking is: Is there ANYONE out there that know how to do this
and would be willing to do the job FOR PAY in the very near future?
full tape backup nightly, the time between the attempts and noticing
they broke something is beyond the length of tapes I have here... 

The downtime to reconstruct the system would be prohibitive as well as
its highly customized from its base Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 which went
in about July of 1999 or so and honestly I don't know that I could
recreate the system as it is now from that method. IF you have a
better idea I'm all ears.

I'm a small business and don't have a large bank account, but am
willing to pay a fair price for a job done right.

Replies OFF LIST would be appreciated.
===[George R. Kasica]===        +1 262 677 0766
President                       +1 206 374 6482 FAX 
Netwrx Consulting Inc.          Jackson, WI USA 
ICQ #12862186
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