Joel Hammer wrote:

> 2. Does anyone know how long I will likely be keeping each assigned
> dynamic number? I maintain a domain name on and can access
> my box and get mail with my domain name, provided I can associate my
> domain name with an ip number on's server.  I still would
> like to do that but it would be difficult if the ip number changed a
> lot. I never turn my machine off. The question is, if you don't turn
> off your machine, can they change the ip number?

As mentioned, this can vary and you have little control.  The standard
behavior is to request the same IP when renewing leases, which probably
prevents dropped connections from IP changes.  That's not necessarily the
case if you ask for a new IP.

It's quite possible to write a script to detect your IP and adjust as
needed when it changes.  May not be practical, but I guess that depends how
much you want a static IP and how much it costs.

You might try asking if you can have a static IP.  Perhaps suggest that you
can't make dhcp work.  Maybe they're flexible.  All they can say is no.


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