I don't have dhclient on my boxes, and the man page doesn't mention
any options to help out.
What I would do is use dhcpcd, which doesn't automatically overwrite
/etc/resolv.conf, OR, edit the binary dhclient. 
vi -b
works fine for this.
and then change one letter in the name. Perhaps just use the ~ key to make
one letter uppercase. Then:
should save your changes.
Then, dhclient will not bother your /etc/resolv.conf
file. If you try this, it is important to:
1. Backup up dhclient before you edit it.
2. Just change a letter, don't change the size of the file!

OR, you might try making /etc/resolv.conf read only.


On Sun, Jan 13, 2002 at 06:53:10PM -0500, Jerry McBride wrote:
> I've got dhclient running smooth as silk here, but I have one question...
> How in thw world do you keep it from re-writing /etc/resolv.conf?
> I've got bind up and running and dhclient will over write my changes in resolv.conf 
>whenh ever it pleases.
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