>Way, way too much overkill. You certainly don't need 6 access points,
>especially at over a grand each for Cisco. 
Youre right 3 is more than enough.  I was just throwing numbers out there
it is early in the project you know.

>them all a unique ESSID if you want precise control, patch each one into
>your physical network and use a single linux box to masquerade them to

the building is one block away from our main campus and it has no network
wiring in it. 
I have to start from zero on the network side.  That why I say wireless
fairly easily to setup..

>the internet using a single public ip address and an access list of
>internal ip's that you assign. If it's an ip address not allowed to be
>masqueraded, then nobody can "steal services" from you. A good reason to
>stay away from DHCP and use fixed addressing. 

With the cisco 350 I can register the network cards by MAC address.
Preventing anyone from stealing a ip address.

>40 ip addresses should be a no brainer to administer. 
I am terrible lazy...

some of the students will be using laptops in this building and on the main
Roaming laptops..???? I was hoping I could register the MAC (with the
Aironet) on student housding building  and the main campus.  We are a small
school so chances are I can get by with this..

Thanks for the input!
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