--- Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> List
>     I was at the book store this afternoon, minding my own bussiness.
> I picked up a Linux Mag, right in the middle of the mag was a M$ web 
> host ad. free XP and free that for isp's. That really does take go
> nads.

This has been occuring for the past 3 or 4 issues.  If you read the
letters to the editor in each of the past 3 issues, you'll see quite a
lot of (mostly) negative feedback on the ads.

THe reasoning is quite obvious.  Ad sales have all but dried up over the
past year.  Compare the number of pages in Linux Mag (or even Linux
Journal) from a year ago to today, and you'll see its been halved.  

M$ has deep pockets, and if they want to throw advertising dollars
towards Linux Mag, i doubt they'll refuse.

Personally, the ads dont' bother me.  For M$ ads, they're not bad at
all. They're about as targetted as they could be for M$.

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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