dep wrote:
> On Sunday 20 January 2002 19:24, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> |     I was at the book store this afternoon, minding my own
> | bussiness. I picked up a Linux Mag, right in the middle of the mag
> | was a M$ web host ad. free XP and free that for isp's. That really
> | does take go nads.
> great! if microsoft is willing to spend money so that publications
> and sites that advocate linux can stay in business, that's just
> dandy. of course, microsoft ads would be more effective for microsoft
> in just about any other publication, including ms. and the dairy goat
> journal. but that's microsoft's concern, not ours.
> --
> dep

>>I believe that M$ is more concerned than just a little. After years of just ignoring 
>Linux M$ has had a few nasty turn of events lately. XP is in the process of bombing 
>and software writers are starting to advise businesses to look at Linux as an 
>alternative to M$. Then Big Blue dumps $10 million worth of Linux software on the net 
>so show their commitment to Linux. That drove the price of Red Hat from $4 a share to 
>$8 on the market and Caldera's stock went from $.22/share to $1.89 (now back to 
>$.95). Then their hot Linux memo gets leaked to the press and to add to their misery, 
>Mandrake starts shopping around for businesses to highlight in their ads who have 
>switched from M$ to Linux to counter M$'s ads. And, you know those IBM ads featuring 
>the stolen servers being replaced by IBM's running Linux must be driving up sales of 
>Rolaids in Redmond. Finally, AOL annpunces that it is in talks to buy Red Hat. Which 
>would leave AOL to go after a piece M$'s desktop market while IBM!
 keeps thumping away at M$'s server market. Gates might start feeling like a 
wagonmaster under indian attack who is one wagon short of circling the wagons. 

> There is sobbing of the strong,
> And a pall upon the land;
> But the People in their weeping
> Bare the iron hand;
> Beware the
> People weeping
> When they bare the iron hand.
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