On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 07:20:24 -0600
Hemo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| >Or UnixWare (as thought anyone else here really cares...). On UnixWare
| >that takes you to the character console.
| ahem. 
| I care.  Take note I am a SCO devotee and have run v7.1.1.on occasion,
| but never paid much attention.  I still use OpenServer profusely and
| support it throughout the day as part of my job...
| I shall now return to cowering under my desk...

I was expecting the same. At work I have an unusual setup of UW 7 running
KDE1.2, UW 7.1 running LKP (Caldera 3.1), and just good old Caldera 3.1. So,
all of these interest me. I just felt I was probably alone on this list.

Roger Oberholtzer                         E-mail:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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