I used to know this but:
XMMS runs fine for my regular user, but when another regular user tries to
use it, the song loads, but plays very fast, and there is no sound. There is
no attempt made to access the audio device, because this behavior occurs
even when there is another xmms program running successfully from my regular
strace xmms gives an error over and over again:
read(4, 0xbffff974, 32) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)         

This doesn't appear to be a permissions problem with the mp3's. 

I made xmms chmod +s so it has the following permissions:

-rwsr-sr-x   1 root  users 964239 Feb 17  2000 /usr/bin/xmms   

I tried to install an updated version of xmms, but, as is getting common, it
wouldn't compile on my badly abused caldera 2.4 box.

I found the FAQ regarding xmms but they don't mention this problem.

The other regular user can play mp3's fine with mpg123, so this may be
some KDE or graphics problem.

Any insight appreciated,

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