I changed over to a dynamic ip from a static ip number with comcast recently.
I got an ip number and ran nslookup against it to see what my new host name
was, and it was:


Now, when I run nslookup against my ip number, which hasn't changed, I get:


I called comcast tech support but they were clueless about this. Or, better
put, I was unable to make them appreciate my concerns.

My major concern is to maintain my current ip number, which is reachable
from anywhere on the internet as hammershome.com.

SO, any comcast users here? Have you tried to reboot your machine to
see if you maintain the same ip number. Have you tried to use the new
hostname with the -h parameter with dhcpcd?

Also, I would like to know if the new name is resolvable on the internet,
so, would someone, NOT on the comcast network, kindly ping that name
(tow33dhcp1252.towson01.md.comcast.net) and see if you get back: ?


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