OK, i've got two 'desktop' boxes here at work.  As I commented
yesterday, the binary tarball'ed version of Mozilla absolutely refuses
to run, with seg-faults & core dumps galore.  The RPM version runs just
fine.  I searched around on Bugzilla, and this isn't a unique problem:

So, just for giggles, I figured that I'd give the binary tarball a whirl
on my 2nd at work.  It installed, and ran without a single problem.  So
i'm incredibly stumped.  Obviously something in some library is
differing between the two boxes, but hell if I know what.  I'll freely
admit that these 2 boxes are not even close to being the same (HW or
SW), other than the fact that they both originally started out with the
same Linux install.  

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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