Typing furiously on February 07, Kevin O'Gorman managed to emit:
> Okay, I'll bite.  What is it?  There's no man page for 'shopt', nor any
> mention of it in the bash manpage as a builtin, so I'm mystified.  That's
> on eD2.4, anyway.

I don't recall which bash version was the default in eD 2.4, but methinks
shopt is bash 2.x. In any event, shopt -s cdspell sets the cdspell 
option, which has the following effect:

    cdspell If set, minor errors in the spelling  of  a
        directory component in a cd command will be
        corrected.   The  errors  checked  for  are
        transposed characters, a missing character,
        and one character too many.  If  a  correc­
        tion  is  found, the corrected file name is
        printed, and the  command  proceeds.   This
        option  is only used by interactive shells.

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