Thanks, Llama.

The reason for 2.4.2 is because I attempt to stick with Caldera-stock
kernels.  Granted, I have not done any updates to this box since
install...  the reason is the reason for the last install (say that 10
times fast and it'll STILL sound impressively confusing).  It's a long
story but last time I upgraded everything the box no longer booted and I
have had too much to do to worry about it.  It'll take a few more times on
other boxes before I feel secure again <stress>. I have a feeling this has
something to do with a combination of things... partly having to do with
the Mandrake box being bounced, and partly having to do with the Samba
differences, and possibly kernel-related.

I'll have to do another stab at the upgrade process.  

Any ideas on the CDROM icons?  That flipped me out!

Thanks again.

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 20:28:59 -0800 (PST)
"Net Llama" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Wow, this is quite impressive.  I've never heard of the system load
> hitting 618 before.
> I'll admit outright that i'm no samba guru, so if this is caused by
> Samba, i don't know that i'll be able to offer much assistance.
> That said, the first thing i'd do is disable Samba, and see if the
> problem returns.  
> A few things that jumped out at me:
> 1) You're running some fairly old packages (samba & kernel for
> starters). THat kernel has a known significant filesystem corruption
> bug.  I can't think of any good reason to run a 2.4.2 kernel when a
> 2.4.17 kernel has been out for roughly 2 months. 
> 2) The error below "file-max limit 8192 reached" kinda speaks volumes. 
> Sounds like your box is opening alot of files at boot (for no reason
> apparent to me).
> 3) There are some known interoperability issues between really old and
> relatively new samba versions.
> Something you never commented upon is what (if any) changes you've made
> to the system recently.  If you've made no changes, then i'd say that
> there are two possibilities:
> 1) Hardware failure
> 2) The system has been compromised, and someone is maliciously breaking
> things.

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