Well, I finally got the rpm for mozilla for my redhat 7.1 machine. Some
people say to use it instead of netscape 6.2.

It installs ok, and does email, but:
After about 45 minutes of use, it hung up, doing the consuming 90% or
better system resources thing, which used to be so common with netscape
6.0 and 6.1 but which hasn't happened once so far with netscape 6.2.

And, when I print the output to a file with mozilla, gv can read it but
ps2ascii (simply a front end for ghostscript) fails to convert it to
text. This doesn't sound like an issue, but, I like to send my friends
articles from the WJS an NYTimes, both of which require registration
so you can't just send the link.  I have found that with mutt, when I
try to just paste in an article from a newspaper, mutt frequently just
hangs up, do no doubt to some odd sequence of bytes in a complicated html
document. So, the solution has been to print the article to a queue which
filters it through ps2asii. Works nicely.  However, mozilla amazingly
enuf, produces a very different postscript file than netscape 6.2,
(Both are level 3 postscript) and for some reason ghostscript can't
handle stripping out its text. I have no idea if this is do to differences
between redhat (mozilla) and caldera (netscape) or what.

So, I guess I'll keep using netscape 6.2 for now.


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