Umm, so far you rc.gui is identical to my eDesktop2.4 with kde2.1.1

The only difference I see in your and mine is this (mine):




On Sunday 10 February 2002 22:26, you were heard blurting out:
> OK, now i think i'm a hazard to myself.  A couple weeks back i somehow
> managed to fubar the runlevel 5 startup on my Redhat box (after
> upgrading XFree86 to 4.2.0).
> Today, i somehow managed to do the same on my Caldera box.  It tries to
> go to runlevel5, and bombs immediately with the error "id 'x' respawning
> too quickly, disabled for 5 minutes".    The thing is, i didn't touch X
> at all today.  I did manually upgrade alot of packages to their
> COL-3.1.1 versions, but none of them were X packages.
> If I do a startx, all is peachy, but kdm refuses to run.  I looked in
> /var/log/XFree86.0.log and there are no errors.  The only clue i've got
> at the moment is in /var/log/gui where I see *only* the following:
> /etc/rc.d/rc.gui: exec: -: not found
> rc.gui was last changed on 8/21/01, so i can't quite understand why its
> choking now.  FWIW, here's what rc.gui looks like:
> #! /bin/bash
> # $Id: rc.gui,v 1.3 1999/11/12 12:12:59 ray Exp $
> #
> # KDM *only*!  (for now ;^)
> exec - > /var/log/gui 2>&1
> C=$0; C=${C##*/}
> DM=/opt/kde/bin/kdm
> XC=/etc/X11/XF86Config
> XS=/usr/X11R6/bin/X
> FallBack=false
> MSG=""
> VC=1
> if [ ! -x $DM ]; then
>   MSG="$DM: not installed!"
>   echo "$C: $MSG" 1>&2
>   FallBack=true
> elif [ ! -r $XC -o ! -x $XS ]; then
>   MSG="X11: configuration problems!"
>   echo "$C: $MSG" 1>&2
>   FallBack=true
> fi
> if $FallBack; then
>   chvt $VC
>   echo -e "\033c\nINIT: $MSG" > /dev/tty$VC
>   sleep 1
>   trap "" SIGTERM
>   telinit 3
>   sleep 1
>   echo "Press <return> to contiune." > /dev/tty$VC
> else
>   exec $DM -nodaemon
> fi
> =====
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Linux Step-by-step help: 
>                                                  .
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