--- Joshua Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Net Llama wrote:
> > --- Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> I've been off the linux lists for a couple of weeks.
> >> 
> >> Is 2.4.17 a "safe" kernel for upgrading?
> > 
> > Its what i've been using on all of my boxes.  Not a single problem.
> I'm running SuSE's version of 2.4.16 here. Is there any features or 
> bugfixes I'm missing by not running 2.4.17?

Of course, that's why new kernel versions are released.  Whether you &
your hardware are personally effected, i can't say.  Read the changelog
for 2.4.17 and decide for yourself.

Lonni J. Friedman                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux Step-by-step help:           http://netllama.ipfox.com


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