Hi, I have various bash scripts for backing up to S3 storage, run via 
s3cmd and cron which kindly sends me a nice email with the output of 
either s3cmd or " echo 'some text' " lines in the script.  One such 
script for user emails changes to bob's email folder, does the backup, 
changes to jane's email folder, backs up etc.

I'm interested in knowing how long each user's backing up takes by 
putting a time stamp in the script at the start (after changing to the 
user's folder, before the s3cmd runs) and end (after the s3cmd runs) via 
"date +%H:%M:%S".  I can then make a comparison between the 2 myself to 
see elapsed time (or later extend the idea to get the difference between 
the 2).  I could do this maybe:

echo start time:
date +%H:%M:%S

and think this will work but it would be nice if I could get this on a 
single line, however I'm confused/lost about the finer (important) 
points of where quotes need to go and when they should be single or 
double. Could someone clarify for me please?


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