Just had one of my customers call up about a web platform I built up for
them. Seems the database server died for no apparent reason. 

Using linode's brilliant rescue service, I got the root disk up and
running. It contained 6 files, 4 logs and 2 created on emergency

Yup, for the first time EVER ( 29 years of adminstering *nix! ), I've
seen a server that has been 

        rm -rf /'d 

I'd always assumed that it would stop at some point, but apparently it
doesn't ( unless this was a directed attack ). 

There's a better class of idiot out there these days...

To say it has made my day is a lie. They'd never got around to setting
up offsite backups. It's never one thing is it?

Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MIITP 
MSN: st...@greengecko.co.nz
Skype: sholdowa

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