Another gotcha to note, which I've picked up from this one because I look after a lot of cloud stuff these days..

Rackspace repo mirrors are lagging behind, AWS ones are OK for Centos and RH and Debian but Ubuntu not so much. linode were quick with the first one but this latest is not there yet for RH el6.4 or Debian.

The moral:  Use the distribution primary mirrors for security updates.

Another interesting one of interest, which might be AWS specific. I couldn't get a group of servers at AWS Sydney datacenter to update from the ipv4 addresses of the debian repo. IPv6 was fine. I'm sure that's just the thin end of the wedge there, and will be a growing trend.

(I look after six clusters now that are IPv6 only, so if you've not already, read up on icmpv6 firewalling and neighbour dicovery, it's the new pain. :-) )

And, in case anyone is interested: Joyent (Illuminos/smartos) are 24 hours behind as usual. Solaris if you've not paid up support you wont get it for a few days, or have to go from source. BSD are smugly keeping up to date as usual. :-)

Cheers, Chris H.

On 26/09/14 10:06, C. Falconer wrote:
Chris Hellyar wrote, On 26/09/14 09:42:
0918 this morning Debian released a patch for the patch.  :-)
For those not watching this is great viewing.

A gotcha - its not (yet) listed in debian Jessie or Sid.
So you have to manually get the older version and install it.


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