Hi all, monthly notice, April 4.

Wednesday night is the GNU/Linux Users' workshop: 8pm-9.30pm in the South Learning Centre (SLC), through rear door of South Christchurch Library at 66 Colombo Street, Cashmere - https://my.christchurchcitylibraries.com/locations/SOUTH/ - held on the first Wednesday monthly, Feb-Dec. Note the later start time this month - apology.

LiveDVD/thumbdrive installs of freenix* operating system distributions are used to demonstrate alternative desktop environments, in the SLC computer lab of i5 all-in-one screen-PCs

Ubuntu-MATE is the Debian GNU/Linux variant we most display and Long Term Support releases like 16.04 are recommended; rolling upgrades to 17.10 run quicker though, with latest kernel drivers and software incorporated. It's up-to-date, secure, and will run well on a lot of old equipment to extend its life. See http://debian.org background and http://ubuntu-mate.org/download/ for these distros and http://distrowatch.com for a great many others to choose from. Portable devices welcome, esp. laptops.

BYO distributions and new tech as you like; overhead projector - let us know if you have a presentation to offer.

Thank you for the support of this workshop and the Software Freedom Day annual installfest event.

Kind regards,

Rik Tindall

pp Sydenham GNU/Linux Users
Software Freedom Day, Team Christchurch South, 15-September-2018
* Freenix: Unix-derived Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) esp. Linux & BSD
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