Bruno Haible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The programs we are waiting for are:
>   - emacs. In an UTF-8 locale, it does not set the
>     keyboard-coding-system to UTF-8, thus when I type umlaut keys
>     strange things happen. And it does not set the default file
>     encoding to UTF-8,

I hope so!  Setting the default encoding to UTF-8 for random files is
harmful in the Emacs context, especially with the current fragile
UTF-8 implementation.

>     thus I see mojibake every time I open a
>     file which looks perfectly nice through "cat" or "vi" in xterm.
>     But we heard the Emacs developers are working on this lately.

Yes, the specific problems are solved.  It isn't a big deal actually,
but apparently no one actually tried to run Emacs on a multibyte
terminal, but a few months ago, some guy from Germany (not me, BTW)
triggered a general bug in the Emacs keyboard coding system in this
context which has reportedly been fixed in the development sources.

Anyway, you can run a suitably recent version of Emacs (probably
not the Emacs 21 branch, however) inside an UTF-8 xterm and it
works mainly as expected.  Actually, I've got access to Emacs 20
with MULE-UCS only, and the results are promising indeed.  I didn't
check that the notions of full width characters match and other
sophisticated stuff, but the HELLO file displays quite nicely.
Linux-UTF8:   i18n of Linux on all levels

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