On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 2:13 PM, Grumbach, Emmanuel
<emmanuel.grumb...@intel.com> wrote:
> This ... typically means that the firmware got stuck while sending
> packets. Can you tell me on what band your router operates? 2.4GHz or
> 5.2GHz?


> Do you use 20Mhz or 40MHz?

HT20 on 2.4GHz, HT40 on 5GHz.

At least that's the wireless AP setup.

> Basically, I'd like to see the output of iw dev

I'll have to walk over and check. I don't have my machines set up so
you can get into them over the network..

> Hmm, this is strange since 4.4 and 4.5 will both load -16.ucode which
> you seemed to be running when the have the Queue hang message.

Correct. Both cases used the 16 ucode, since that's what F22 comes
with. I upgrade the kernel, but intentionally don't touch anything
else in the system.

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