Dan Williams <d...@redhat.com> writes:

> Ok, at this point the only thing I can think of is the MAC
> randomization that NM has.  Please see:
> https://blogs.gnome.org/thaller/2016/08/26/mac-address-spoofing-in-networkmanager-1-4-0/
> and look at the section "Randomization during Wi-Fi scanning" where it
> says:
> ----
> This default behavior can be disabled with a global configuration
> option in NetworkManager.conf:
> [device]
> wifi.scan-rand-mac-address=no
> ----
> if you set that, and restart NetworkManager, does that magically make
> things work?

Yes! It's now working fine, thanks a lot. I have my wifi AP set to only
accept a whitelist of MAC addresses so it makes sense that I can't
connect if the MAC address is random. I'll disable the randomization for
now on.


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