On 11/05/2018 12:45 PM, Ben Greear wrote:
>> I see you don't implement it this way in the driver, but wouldn't it
>> make more sense to have this as a per-STA (RA) setting? That's really
>> the granularity it can be done on, I think?
>> Arguably even per-RA/TID, though that seems a little excessive?
> I like the idea of providing this API per peer/tid.  And, just allow
> peer == -1, tid == -1 or similar to mean 'all' so that you can still set 
> the entire device
> to one particular setting w/out having to iterate through all peers if you
> don't want to iterate...

Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't the setting we're discussing are for the 
device itself, not for its peers? I mean, disabling AMSDU, AMPDU implies 
we need to update capabilities advertised in our information elements, 
which are common for all devices, and it affects both Tx and Rx.

And per-node/per-TID aggregation settings are a separate configuration 
option related to rate adaptation on Tx path only..

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