On August 20, 2019 2:36:21 PM GMT+02:00, Sebastian Gottschall 
<s.gottsch...@newmedia-net.de> wrote:
>i know. thats why i never even tried to contribute it upstream. but
>hostapd side it was more complicated than just hacking mac80211
>and from stations a second mod for wpa_supplicant would be needed and 
>since the dd-wrt webgui just uses nl80211 to show the station table
>its more comportable and takes less code just todo it within the driver
>i there is special interest in it i could of course try to clean it up 
>and make a upstream patch out of it

I don't think something like Mikrotiks IE belongs to hostapd. The cleanest 
solution is probably parsing the IE and generating the IE for hostapd with an 
external tool, that can the dd-wrt GUI then use. I've made a simple C program 
for this, can share if you want.



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