At the moment, linux-yocto-dev is set up to reference v5.12-rt:

           ---> stable-5.12
              ---> linux-rt-5.12
                 ---> linux-yocto-dev

We'll probably move to v5.13-rcN in late May and at that point we
can point it at referencing mainline directly while the respective
stable and -rt versions take shape, or perhaps create placeholders
in advance (as was just done for stable-5.12).

But the good thing is that we'll get v5.13-rcN via mainline, which is
already in the above chain, so we can take our time; there is no
pressure to reconsider the chaining of repos synchronously with the
kernel uprev.

And it is also constructive to consider the reverse case: where we are
pointing at mainline directly and a stable (or -rt) gets added/used.

           ---> linux-yocto-dev

In this case, if linux-yocto-dev used a shiny new v5.13.1 stable,
without it yet being explicitly a part of the above chain, then the git
objects relating to that would simply flow from the server directly into
our linux-yocto-dev clone directly.  Nothing breaks or falls over.  So
there is no requirement to immediately react to creation of v5.13 stable
or preempt-rt recipes (even though they are trivial).

Signed-off-by: Paul Gortmaker <>
 meta/recipes-kernel/linux/ | 11 ++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/ 
index 8725473d1cd8..b4b91593aef8 100644
--- a/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/
+++ b/meta/recipes-kernel/linux/
@@ -19,7 +19,16 @@ include recipes-kernel/linux/
 KBRANCH = "standard/base"
 KMETA = "kernel-meta"
"git://;branch=${KBRANCH};name=machine \
+# When v5.13-rcN comes along, we can revector back to mainline
+#KREF = ""
+#do_fetch[depends] += "linux-master:do_fetch"
+KREF = ""
+do_fetch[depends] += "linux-rt-5.12:do_fetch"
+GITFETCHREFS_machine += " refs/heads/standard/*:refs/heads/standard/*"
+GITCLONEARGS_machine = "--bare --single-branch --branch master"
 # Set default SRCREVs. Both the machine and meta SRCREVs are statically set

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